Movedex: Water-Type

Os Moves (Movimentos) são os ataques ou técnicas que os Pokémon usam em batalha. Na maioria das vezes, os moves podem ser aprendidos pelos Pokémon por Level Up, por TM (Technical Machine) ou por hereditariedade (Egg Move). Um Pokémon somente pode possuir 4 moves por vez, sendo que, caso deseje substituir algum deles, antes deverá desaprendê-lo. Cada Pokémon tem a sua própria relação de moves que é capaz de aprender.

Existem moves que causam dano, os quais se subdividem nas categorias Physical e Special, e há moves que aplicam algum efeito em batalha sem causar dano direto, pertencentes à categoria Status. Moves da categoria Physical levarão em conta o stat de Attack do Pokémon para determinar o dano causado, assim como o stat de Defense do oponente; ao passo que moves da categoria Special levarão em conta o Sp. Attack do Pokémon, além do stat de Sp. Defense do oponente.

Assim como ocorre com os Pokémon, os moves também possuem tipos. Caso o tipo de um move tenha vantagem contra a tipagem do Pokémon adversário, causará um dano Super Efetivo, o que significa que será 2× ou até 4× maior. Caso o tipo de um move tenha desvantagem, o dano será Pouco Efetivo, o que significa que será equivalente a ½ ou ¼ do dano original. Confira essa relação em nosso Type Chart. Além disso, quando um Pokémon usar um move do mesmo tipo que ele, também receberá o chamado STAB (Same-Type Attack Bonus), que tornará o dano 1,5× maior.

MoveTipoCategoriaBase PowerAccuracyPPDescrição
Aqua Cutter 7010020High critical hit ratio.
Aqua Jet 4010020Usually goes first.
Aqua Ring 120User recovers 1/16 HP máximo per turno.
Aqua Step 8010010100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1.
Aqua Tail 909010No additional effect.
Bouncy Bubble 6010020User recovers 50% of the damage dealt.
Brine 6510010Power doubles if the target's HP is 50% or less.
Bubble 401003010% chance to lower the foe(s) Speed by 1.
Bubble Beam 651002010% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1.
Chilling Water 5010020100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1.
Clamp 358515Traps and damages the target for 4-5 turns.
Crabhammer 1009010High critical hit ratio.
Dive 8010010Dives underwater turno 1, strikes turno 2.
Fishious Rend 8510010Power doubles if user moves before the target.
Flip Turn 6010020User switches out after damaging the target.
G-Max Cannonade 10110Base move affects power. Foes: -1/6 HP, 4 turns.
G-Max Foam Burst 1015Base move affects power. Foes: -2 Speed.
G-Max Hydrosnipe 16015Always 160 power. Ignores Abilities.
G-Max Rapid Flow 1015Base move affects power. Bypasses Max Guard.
G-Max Stonesurge 1015Base move affects power. Foes: Stealth Rock.
Hidden Power Water 6010015
Hydro Cannon 150905User cannot move next turno.
Hydro Pump 110805No additional effect.
Hydro Steam 8010015During Sunny Day: 1,5x damage instead of half.
Hydro Vortex 111Power is equal to the base move's Z-Power.
Jet Punch 6010015Usually goes first.
Life Dew 110Heals the user and its allies by 1/4 their HP máximo.
Liquidation 851001020% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1.
Max Geyser 10110Base move affects power. Starts Rain Dance.
Muddy Water 90851030% chance to lower the foe(s) accuracy by 1.
Oceanic Operetta 19511No additional effect.
Octazooka 65851050% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1.
Origin Pulse 1108510No additional effect. Hits adjacent foes.
Rain Dance 15For 5 turns, heavy rain powers Water moves.
Razor Shell 75951050% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1.
Scald 801001530% chance to burn the target. Thaws target.
Snipe Shot 8010015High critical hit ratio. Cannot be redirected.
Soak 10020Changes the target's type to Water.
Sparkling Aria 9010010The target is cured of its burn.
Splishy Splash 901001530% chance to paralyze the target.
Steam Eruption 11095530% chance to burn the target. Thaws target.
Surf 9010015Hits adjacent Pokemon. Double damage on Dive.
Surging Strikes 251005Always results in a critical hit. Hits 3 times.
Triple Dive 309510Hits 3 times.
Water Gun 4010025No additional effect.
Water Pledge 8010010Use with Grass or Fire Pledge for added effect.
Water Pulse 601002020% chance to confuse the target.
Water Shuriken 1510020Usually goes first. Hits 2-5 times in one turno.
Water Sport 115For 5 turns, Fire-type attacks have 1/3 power.
Water Spout 1501005Less power as user's HP decreases. Hits foe(s).
Waterfall 801001520% chance to make the target flinch.
Wave Crash 12010010Has 33% recoil.
Whirlpool 358515Traps and damages the target for 4-5 turns.
Withdraw 140Raises the user's Defense by 1.