Movedex: Grass-Type

Os Moves (Movimentos) são os ataques ou técnicas que os Pokémon usam em batalha. Na maioria das vezes, os moves podem ser aprendidos pelos Pokémon por Level Up, por Machine (TM/HM/TR) ou por hereditariedade (Egg Move). Um Pokémon somente pode possuir 4 moves por vez, sendo que, caso deseje substituir algum deles, antes deverá desaprendê-lo. Cada Pokémon tem a sua própria relação de moves que é capaz de aprender.

Existem moves que causam dano, os quais se subdividem nas categorias Physical e Special, e há moves que aplicam algum efeito em batalha sem causar dano direto, pertencentes à categoria Status. Moves da categoria Physical levarão em conta o stat de Attack do Pokémon para determinar o dano causado, assim como o stat de Defense do oponente; ao passo que moves da categoria Special levarão em conta o Sp. Attack do Pokémon, além do stat de Sp. Defense do oponente.

Assim como ocorre com os Pokémon, os moves também possuem tipos. Caso o tipo de um move tenha vantagem contra a tipagem do Pokémon adversário, causará um dano Super Efetivo, o que significa que será 2× ou até 4× maior. Caso o tipo de um move tenha desvantagem, o dano será Pouco Efetivo, o que significa que será equivalente a ½ ou ¼ do dano original. Confira essa relação em nosso Type Chart. Além disso, quando um Pokémon usar um move do mesmo tipo que ele, também receberá o chamado STAB (Same-Type Attack Bonus), que tornará o dano 1,5× maior.

MoveTipoCategoriaBase PowerAccuracyAcc.PPDescrição
Absorb 2010025User recovers 50% of the damage dealt.
Apple Acid 8010010100% chance to lower the target's Sp Def by 1.
Aromatherapy 5Cures the user's time of all status conditions.
Bloom Doom 11O Power é igual ao Z-Power do Move base.
Branch Poke 4010040No additional effect.
Bullet Seed 2510030Atinge de 2 a 5 vezes em um turno.
Chloroblast 150955User loses 50% HP máximo.
Cotton Guard 10Raises the user's Defense by 3.
Cotton Spore 10040Lowers the target's Speed by 2.
Drum Beating 8010010100% chance to lower the target's Speed by 1.
Energy Ball 9010010Tem 10% de chance de diminuir Sp. Def do alvo em 1 estágio.
Flower Trick 7010Always results in a critical hit; no accuracy check.
Forest's Curse 10020Adds Grass to the target's type(s).
Frenzy Plant 150905User cannot Move next turn.
G-Max Drum Solo 1605Always 160 power. Ignores Abilities.
G-Max Sweetness 1010Base Move affects power. Allies: status cured.
G-Max Tartness 1010Base Move affects power. Foes: -1 evasiveness.
G-Max Vine Lash 1010Base Move affects power. Foes: -1/6 HP, 4 turns.
Giga Drain 7510010User recovers 50% of the damage dealt.
Grass Knot 10020Quanto mais pesado for o alvo, mais Power o move terá.
Grass Pledge 8010010Use with Fire or Water Pledge for added effect.
Grass Whistle 5515Causes the target to fall asleep.
Grassy Glide 5510020User on Grassy Terrain: +1 priority.
Grassy Terrain 10Dura 5 turnos. Pokémon no chão têm +Grass Power, +1/16 HP.
Grav Apple 8010010Target: 100% -1 Def. During Gravity: 1,5x power.
Horn Leech 7510010User recovers 50% of the damage dealt.
Ingrain 20Traps/grounds user; heals 1/16 HP máximo per turn.
Ivy Cudgel 10010010High critical hit ratio. Type depends on user's forma.
Jungle Healing 10User and allies: healed 1/4 HP máximo, status cured.
Leaf Blade 9010015High critical hit ratio.
Leaf Storm 130905Lowers the user's Sp Atk by 2.
Leaf Tornado 65901050% chance to lower the target's accuracy by 1.
Leafage 4010040No additional effect.
Leech Seed 90101/8 of target's HP is restored to user every turn.
Magical Leaf 6020This Move does not check accuracy.
Matcha Gotcha 80901520% burn. Recovers 50% dmg dealt. Thaws foe(s).
Max Overgrowth 1010Base Move affects power. Starts Grassy Terrain.
Mega Drain 4010015User recovers 50% of the damage dealt.
Needle Arm 601001530% chance to causar flinch.
Petal Blizzard 9010015No additional effect. Hits adjacent Pokemon.
Petal Dance 12010010Lasts 2-3 turns. Confuses the user afterwards.
Power Whip 1208510No additional effect.
Razor Leaf 559525High critical hit ratio. Hits adjacent foes.
Sappy Seed 1009010Summons Leech Seed.
Seed Bomb 8010015No additional effect.
Seed Flare 12085540% chance to lower the target's Sp Def by 2.
Sleep Powder 7515Causes the target to fall asleep.
Snap Trap 3510015Traps and damages the target for 4-5 turns.
Solar Beam 12010010Charges turn 1. Hits turn 2. No charge in sunlight.
Solar Blade 12510010Charges turn 1. Hits turn 2. No charge in sunlight.
Spicy Extract 15Raises target's Atk by 2 and lowers its Def by 2.
Spiky Shield 10Protects from Moves. Contact: loses 1/8 HP máximo.
Spore 10015Causes the target to fall asleep.
Strength Sap 10010User heals HP=target's Atk stat. Lowers Atk by 1.
Stun Spore 7530Paralisa o alvo.
Synthesis 5Heals the user by a weather-dependent amount.
Syrup Bomb 608510Target's Speed is lowered by 1 stage for 3 turns.
Trailblaze 5010020100% chance to raise the user's Speed by 1.
Trop Kick 7010015100% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1.
Vine Whip 4510025No additional effect.
Wood Hammer 12010015Has 33% recoil.
Worry Seed 10010The target's Ability becomes Insomnia.
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