Movedex: Self Target

Os Moves (Movimentos) são os ataques ou técnicas que os Pokémon usam em batalha. Na maioria das vezes, os moves podem ser aprendidos pelos Pokémon por Level Up, por TM (Technical Machine) ou por hereditariedade (Egg Move). Um Pokémon somente pode possuir 4 moves por vez, sendo que, caso deseje substituir algum deles, antes deverá desaprendê-lo. Cada Pokémon tem a sua própria relação de moves que é capaz de aprender.

Existem moves que causam dano, os quais se subdividem nas categorias Physical e Special, e há moves que aplicam algum efeito em batalha sem causar dano direto, pertencentes à categoria Status. Moves da categoria Physical levarão em conta o stat de Attack do Pokémon para determinar o dano causado, assim como o stat de Defense do oponente; ao passo que moves da categoria Special levarão em conta o Sp. Attack do Pokémon, além do stat de Sp. Defense do oponente.

Assim como ocorre com os Pokémon, os moves também possuem tipos. Caso o tipo de um move tenha vantagem contra a tipagem do Pokémon adversário, causará um dano Super Efetivo, o que significa que será 2× ou até 4× maior. Caso o tipo de um move tenha desvantagem, o dano será Pouco Efetivo, o que significa que será equivalente a ½ ou ¼ do dano original. Confira essa relação em nosso Type Chart. Além disso, quando um Pokémon usar um move do mesmo tipo que ele, também receberá o chamado STAB (Same-Type Attack Bonus), que tornará o dano 1,5× maior.

MoveTipoCategoriaBase PowerAccuracyAcc.PPDescrição
Acid Armor 120Raises the user's Defense by 2.
Agility 130Raises the user's Speed by 2.
Ally Switch 115User and ally swap positions; using again can fail.
Amnesia 120Raises the user's Sp Def by 2.
Aqua Ring 120User recovers 1/16 HP máximo per turno.
Assist 120Uses a random move known by a team member.
Autotomize 115Raises the user's Speed by 2; user loses 100 kg.
Baneful Bunker 110Protects from moves. Contact: envenenar.
Barrier 120Raises the user's Defense by 2.
Baton Pass 140User switches, passing stat changes and more.
Belly Drum 110User loses 50% HP máximo. Maximizes Attack.
Bide 110Waits 2 turns; deals double the damage taken.
Bulk Up 120Raises the user's Attack and Defense by 1.
Burning Bulwark 110Protects from damaging attacks. Contact: burn.
Calm Mind 120Raises the user's Sp Atk and Sp Def by 1.
Camouflage 120Changes user's type by terrain (default Normal).
Celebrate 140No competitive use.
Charge 120+1 SpD, user's next Electric move 2x power.
Clangorous Soul 1005User loses 33% of its HP máximo. +1 to all stats.
Coil 120Raises user's Attack, Defense, accuracy by 1.
Conversion 130Changes user's type to match its first move.
Copycat 120Uses the last move used in the battle.
Cosmic Power 120Raises the user's Defense and Sp Def by 1.
Cotton Guard 110Raises the user's Defense by 3.
Defend Order 110Raises the user's Defense and Sp Def by 1.
Defense Curl 140Raises the user's Defense by 1.
Destiny Bond 15If an opponent knocks out the user, it also faints.
Detect 15Prevents moves from affecting the user this turno.
Double Team 115Raises the user's evasiveness by 1.
Dragon Dance 120Raises the user's Attack and Speed by 1.
Endure 110User survives attacks this turno with at least 1 HP.
Extreme Evoboost 11Raises user's Atk, Def, SpA, SpD, and Spe by 2.
Fillet Away 110+2 Attack, Sp Atk, Speed for 1/2 user's HP máximo.
Focus Energy 130Raises the user's critical hit ratio by 2.
Follow Me 120The foes' moves target the user on the turno used.
Geomancy 110Charges, then raises SpA, SpD, Spe by 2 turno 2.
Growth 120Raises user's Attack and Sp Atk by 1; 2 in Sun.
Grudge 15If the user faints, the attack used loses all its PP.
Harden 130Raises the user's Defense by 1.
Heal Order 110Heals the user by 50% of its HP máximo.
Healing Wish 110User faints. Next hurt Pokemon is fully healed.
Hone Claws 115Raises the user's Attack and accuracy by 1.
Imprison 110No foe can use any move known by the user.
Ingrain 120Traps/grounds user; heals 1/16 HP máximo per turno.
Iron Defense 115Raises the user's Defense by 2.
King's Shield 110Protects from damaging attacks. Contact: -1 Atk.
Laser Focus 130Until the end of the next turno, user's moves crit.
Lunar Dance 110User faints. Next hurt Pkmn is cured, HP máximo/PP.
Magic Coat 115Bounces back certain non-damaging moves.
Magnet Rise 110For 5 turns, the user has immunity to Ground.
Max Guard 110Protects user from moves & Max Moves this turno.
Meditate 140Raises the user's Attack by 1.
Metronome 110Picks a random move.
Milk Drink 15Heals the user by 50% of its HP máximo.
Minimize 110Raises the user's evasiveness by 2.
Moonlight 15Heals the user by a weather-dependent amount.
Morning Sun 15Heals the user by a weather-dependent amount.
Nasty Plot 120Raises the user's Sp Atk by 2.
No Retreat 15Raises all stats by 1 (not acc/eva). Traps user.
Obstruct 10010Protects from damaging attacks. Contact: -2 Def.
Power Shift 110Switches user's Attack and Defense stats.
Power Trick 110Switches user's Attack and Defense stats.
Protect 110Prevents moves from affecting the user this turno.
Quiver Dance 120Raises the user's Sp Atk, Sp Def, Speed by 1.
Rage Powder 120The foes' moves target the user on the turno used.
Recover 15Heals the user by 50% of its HP máximo.
Recycle 110Restores the item the user last used.
Refresh 120User cures its burn, envenenar, or paralisar.
Rest 15User sleeps 2 turns and restores HP and status.
Revival Blessing 11Revives a fainted Pokemon to 50% HP.
Rock Polish 120Raises the user's Speed by 2.
Roost 15Heals 50% HP. Flying-type removed 'til turno ends.
Sharpen 130Raises the user's Attack by 1.
Shed Tail 110User takes 1/2 its HP máximo to pass a substitute.
Shell Smash 115Lowers Def, SpD by 1; raises Atk, SpA, Spe by 2.
Shelter 110Raises the user's Defense by 2.
Shift Gear 110Raises the user's Speed by 2 and Attack by 1.
Shore Up 15User restores 1/2 its HP máximo; 2/3 in Sandstorm.
Silk Trap 110Protects from damaging attacks. Contact: -1 Spe.
Slack Off 15Heals the user by 50% of its HP máximo.
Sleep Talk 110User must be asleep. Uses another known move.
Snatch 110User steals certain support moves to use itself.
Soft-Boiled 15Heals the user by 50% of its HP máximo.
Spiky Shield 110Protects from moves. Contact: loses 1/8 HP máximo.
Splash 140No competitive use.
Stockpile 120Raises user's Defense, Sp Def by 1. Max 3 uses.
Stuff Cheeks 110Must hold Berry to use. User eats Berry, Def +2.
Substitute 110User takes 1/4 its HP máximo to put in a substitute.
Swallow 110Heals the user based on uses of Stockpile.
Swords Dance 120Raises the user's Attack by 2.
Synthesis 15Heals the user by a weather-dependent amount.
Tail Glow 120Raises the user's Sp Atk by 3.
Take Heart 115Cures user's status, raises Sp Atk, Sp Def by 1.
Teleport 120User switches out.
Tidy Up 110User +1 Atk, Spe. Clears all substitutes/hazards.
Victory Dance 110Raises the user's Attack, Defense, Speed by 1.
Wish 110Next turno, 50% of the user's HP máximo is restored.
Withdraw 140Raises the user's Defense by 1.
Work Up 130Raises the user's Attack and Sp Atk by 1.
Pokémon e seus respectivos nomes são ©1995 Nintendo, Creatures, Gamefreak e ©2002 Pokémon.