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Movedex: All adjacent foes Target

Os Moves (Movimentos) são os ataques ou técnicas que os Pokémon usam em batalha. Na maioria das vezes, os moves podem ser aprendidos pelos Pokémon por Level Up, por Machine (TM/HM/TR) ou por hereditariedade (Egg Move). Um Pokémon somente pode possuir 4 moves por vez, sendo que, caso deseje substituir algum deles, antes deverá desaprendê-lo. Cada Pokémon tem a sua própria relação de moves que é capaz de aprender.

Existem moves que causam dano, os quais se subdividem nas categorias Physical e Special, e há moves que aplicam algum efeito em batalha sem causar dano direto, pertencentes à categoria Status. Moves da categoria Physical levarão em conta o stat de Attack do Pokémon para determinar o dano causado, assim como o stat de Defense do oponente; ao passo que moves da categoria Special levarão em conta o Sp. Attack do Pokémon, além do stat de Sp. Defense do oponente.

Assim como ocorre com os Pokémon, os moves também possuem tipos. Caso o tipo de um move tenha vantagem contra a tipagem do Pokémon adversário, causará um dano Super Efetivo, o que significa que será 2× ou até 4× maior. Caso o tipo de um move tenha desvantagem, o dano será Pouco Efetivo, o que significa que será equivalente a ½ ou ¼ do dano original. Confira essa relação em nosso Type Chart. Além disso, quando um Pokémon usar um move do mesmo tipo que ele, também receberá o chamado STAB (Same-Type Attack Bonus), que tornará o dano 1,5× maior.

MoveTipoCategoriaBase PowerAccuracyAcc.PPDescrição
Acid 401003010% chance to lower the foe(s) Sp Def by 1.
Air Cutter 609525High critical hit ratio. Hits adjacent foes.
Astral Barrage 1201005No additional effect. Hits adjacent foes.
Bleakwind Storm 100801030% to lower foe(s) Speed by 1. Rain: can't miss.
Blizzard 11070510% chance to freeze foe(s). Can't miss in Snow.
Breaking Swipe 6010015100% chance to lower the foe(s) Attack by 1.
Bubble 401003010% chance to lower the foe(s) Speed by 1.
Burning Jealousy 701005100% burns a target that had a stat rise this turn.
Captivate 10020Lowers the foe(s) Sp Atk by 2 if opposite gender.
Clanging Scales 1101005Lowers the user's Defense by 1.
Clangorous Soulblaze 1851Raises the user's Atk/Def/SpAtk/SpDef/Spe by 1.
Core Enforcer 10010010Nullifies the foe(s) Ability if the foe(s) Move first.
Cotton Spore 10040Lowers the target's Speed by 2.
Dark Void 5010Darkrai: Causes the foe(s) to fall asleep.
Dazzling Gleam 8010010No additional effect. Hits adjacent foes.
Diamond Storm 10095550% chance to raise user's Defense by 2.
Disarming Voice 4015This Move does not check accuracy. Hits foes.
Dragon Energy 1501005Less power as user's HP decreases. Hits foe(s).
Electroweb 559515100% chance to lower the foe(s) Speed by 1.
Eruption 1501005Less power as user's HP decreases. Hits foe(s).
Fiery Wrath 901001020% chance to make the foe(s) flinch.
Glacial Lance 1201005No additional effect. Hits adjacent foes.
Glaciate 659510100% chance to lower the foe(s) Speed by 1.
Growl 10040Reduz o Attack do(s) inimigo(s) em 1 estágio.
Heal Block 10015For 5 turns, the foe(s) is prevented from healing.
Heat Wave 95901010% chance to burn the foe(s).
Hyper Voice 9010010No additional effect. Hits adjacent foes.
Icy Wind 559515100% chance to lower the foe(s) Speed by 1.
Incinerate 6010015Destroys the foe(s) Berry/Gem.
Land's Wrath 9010010No additional effect. Hits adjacent foes.
Leer 10030Lowers the foe(s) Defense by 1.
Make It Rain 1201005Lowers the user's Sp Atk by 1. Hits foe(s).
Matcha Gotcha 80901520% burn. Recovers 50% dmg dealt. Thaws foe(s).
Mortal Spin 3010015Poisons foes, frees user from hazards/bind/leech.
Muddy Water 90851030% chance to lower the foe(s) accuracy by 1.
Origin Pulse 1108510No additional effect. Hits adjacent foes.
Overdrive 8010010No additional effect. Hits foe(s).
Poison Gas 9040Poisons the foe(s).
Powder Snow 401002510% chance to freeze the foe(s).
Precipice Blades 1208510No additional effect. Hits adjacent foes.
Razor Leaf 559525High critical hit ratio. Hits adjacent foes.
Razor Wind 8010010Charges, then hits foe(s) turn 2. High crit ratio.
Relic Song 751001010% chance to adormecer foe(s). Meloetta transforms.
Rock Slide 75901030% chance to make the foe(s) flinch.
Sandsear Storm 100801020% chance to burn foe(s). Can't miss in rain.
Shell Trap 1501005User must take physical damage before moving.
Snarl 559515Tem 100% de chance de reduzir o Sp. Atk dos adversários em 1 estágio.
Splishy Splash 901001530% chance to paralyze the target.
Springtide Storm 10080530% chance to lower the foe(s) Attack by 1.
String Shot 9540Lowers the foe(s) Speed by 2.
Struggle Bug 5010020100% chance to lower the foe(s) Sp Atk by 1.
Sweet Scent 10020Lowers the foe(s) evasiveness by 2.
Swift 6020Este Move não verifica accuracy. Atinge adversários adjacentes.
Tail Whip 10030Lowers the foe(s) Defense by 1.
Thousand Arrows 9010010Grounds adjacent foes. First hit neutral on Flying.
Thousand Waves 9010010Hits adjacent foes. Prevents them from switching.
Twister 401002020% chance to make the foe(s) flinch.
Venom Drench 10020Lowers Atk/Sp Atk/Speed of poisoned foes by 1.
Water Spout 1501005Less power as user's HP decreases. Hits foe(s).
Wildbolt Storm 100801020% chance to paralyze foe(s). Rain: can't miss.
Pokémon e seus respectivos nomes são ©1995 Nintendo, Creatures, Gamefreak e ©2002 Pokémon.