A Ability (Habilidade) é um efeito que acompanha o Pokémon e que influencia em suas batalhas ou nos próprios jogos da franquia (in-game). A maioria das Abilities traz algum benefício ao Pokémon, apesar de existirem algumas que podem prejudicá-lo. Cada Pokémon conta com uma variedade pré-determinada de Abilities às quais tem acesso, mas somente pode possuir uma delas por vez.
Ability | Descrição |
Adaptability | Os Same-Type Attack Bonus (STAB) deste Pokémon têm um bônus de 2x ao invés de 1,5x. |
Aerilate | Os Normal-type Moves deste Pokémon tornam-se Flying-type e têm 1,2x power. |
Aftermath | Se este Pokémon for derrotado com um Move de contato, o usuário deste Move perde 1/4 de seu HP máximo. |
Air Lock | Enquanto este Pokémon estiver em campo, os efeitos de condições climáticas são desativados. |
Analytic | Os ataques deste Pokémon têm 1,3x de Power se ele for o último a se movimentar no turno. |
Anger Point | Se este Pokémon (não o seu Substitute) receber um critical hit, o seu Atk será elevado em 12 estágios. |
Anger Shell | Quando este Pokémon estiver com 1/2 ou menos de seu HP máximo, os seus stats são alterados em: +1 Atk, Sp. Atk e Spe; e -1 Def e Sp. Def. |
Anticipation | Ao dar switch-in, este Pokémon "estremece" se algum Pokémon adversário tiver um Move superefetivo ou de OHKO. |
Arena Trap | Impede que os Pokémon adversários possam dar switch out, a menos que eles estejam no ar. |
Armor Tail | Este Pokémon e seus aliados estão protegidos de priority Moves do adversário. |
Aroma Veil | Protege o usuário e aliados de Attract, Disable, Encore, Heal Block, Taunt e Torment. |
As One (Glastrier) | Combinação das Abilities Unnerve e Chilling Neigh. |
As One (Spectrier) | Combinação das Abilities Unnerve e Grim Neigh. |
Aura Break | Enquanto este Pokémon está ativo, o modificador de Power de Dark Aura e Fairy Aura é de 0,75x. |
Bad Dreams | Faz com que os adversário adormecidos percam 1/8 de seu HP máximo no final de cada turno. |
Ball Fetch | Sem uso competitivo. |
Battery | Os aliados deste Pokémon têm o Power de seus ataques especiais aumentado em 1,3x. |
Battle Armor | Este Pokémon não pode ser atingido por um critical hit. |
Battle Bond | Depois de derrotar um Pokémon, aumenta Atk, Sp. Atk e Spe em 1 estágio. Ativa apenas uma vez por batalha. |
Beads of Ruin | Pokémon ativos sem esta Ability têm a sua Sp. Def multiplicada por 0,75x. |
Beast Boost | O stat mais alto deste Pokémon é aumentado em 1 estágio se ele atingir e derrotar outro Pokémon. |
Berserk | O Sp. Atk deste Pokémon é aumentado em 1 estágio quando ele atingir 1/2 ou menos de seu HP máximo. |
Big Pecks | Impede que outros Pokémon reduzam o stat de Defense deste Pokémon. |
Blaze | Quando estiver com 1/3 ou menos de seu HP máximo, os stats ofensivos deste Pokémon serão 1,5x com ataques Fire. |
Bulletproof | O Pokémon fica imune a Bullet Moves. |
Cheek Pouch | Se este Pokémon comer uma Berry, recupera 1/3 do seu HP máximo após o efeito da Berry. |
Chilling Neigh | O Atk deste Pokémon é aumentado em 1 estágio se ele atingir e derrotar outro Pokémon. |
Chlorophyll | Se Sunny Day estiver ativo, a Speed deste Pokémon é duplicada. |
Clear Body | Impede que outros Pokémon reduzam os stats deste Pokémon. |
Cloud Nine | While this Pokémon is active, the effects of weather conditions are disabled. |
Color Change | This Pokémon's type changes to the type of a Move it's hit by, unless it has the type. |
Comatose | This Pokémon cannot be statused, and is considered to be asleep. |
Commander | If ally is Dondozo: this Pokémon cannot act or be hit, +2 to all Dondozo's stats. |
Competitive | This Pokémon's Sp Atk is raised by 2 for each of its stats that is lowered by a foe. |
Compound Eyes | This Pokémon's Moves have their accuracy multiplied by 1,3. |
Contrary | If this Pokémon has a stat stage raised it is lowered instead, and vice versa. |
Corrosion | This Pokémon can envenenar or envenenar gravemente a Pokémon regardless of its typing. |
Costar | On switch-in, this Pokémon copies all of its ally's stat stage changes. |
Cotton Down | If this Pokémon is hit, it lowers the Speed of all other Pokémon on the field 1 stage. |
Cud Chew | If this Pokémon eats a Berry, it will eat that Berry again at the end of the next turn. |
Curious Medicine | On switch-in, this Pokémon's allies have their stat stages reset to 0. |
Cursed Body | If this Pokémon is hit by an attack, there is a 30% chance that Move gets disabled. |
Cute Charm | 30% chance of infatuating Pokémon of the opposite gender if they make contact. |
Damp | Prevents Explosion/Mind Blown/Misty Explosion/Self-Destruct/Aftermath while active. |
Dancer | After another Pokémon uses a dance Move, this Pokémon uses the same Move. |
Dark Aura | While this Pokémon is active, a Dark Move used by any Pokémon has 1,33x power. |
Dauntless Shield | Ao dar switch-in, a Def deste Pokémon é aumentada em 1 estágio. Ativa apenas uma vez por batalha. |
Dazzling | Este Pokémon e seus aliados ficam protegidos de priority Moves do adversário. |
Defeatist | While this Pokémon has 1/2 or less of its HP máximo, its Attack and Sp Atk are halved. |
Defiant | This Pokémon's Attack is raised by 2 for each of its stats that is lowered by a foe. |
Delta Stream | Ao entrar em campo, ventos fortes começam até que esta Ability não esteja ativa na batalha. |
Desolate Land | On switch-in, extremely harsh sunlight begins until this Ability is not active in battle. |
Disguise | (Mimikyu only) The first hit it takes is blocked, and it takes 1/8 HP damage instead. |
Download | On switch-in, Attack or Sp Atk is raised 1 stage based on the foes' weaker Defense. |
Dragon's Maw | This Pokémon's offensive stat is multiplied by 1,5 while using a Dragon-type attack. |
Drizzle | Ao dar switch-in, este Pokémon invoca Rain Dance. |
Drought | Ao dar switch-in, este Pokémon invoca Sunny Day. |
Dry Skin | This Pokémon is healed 1/4 by Water, 1/8 by Rain; is hurt 1,25x by Fire, 1/8 by Sun. |
Early Bird | A contagem de Sleep deste Pokémon cai 2 níveis por turno, ao invés de 1. |
Earth Eater | Este Pokémon cura 1/4 de seu HP máximo quando atingido por moves do tipo Ground; possui imunidade a Ground. |
Effect Spore | 30% chance of envenenar/paralisar/adormecer on others making contact with this Pokémon. |
Electric Surge | On switch-in, this Pokémon summons Electric Terrain. |
Electromorphosis | This Pokémon gains the Charge effect when it takes a hit from an attack. |
Embody Aspect (Cornerstone) | On switch-in, this Pokémon's Defense is raised by 1 stage. |
Embody Aspect (Hearthflame) | On switch-in, this Pokémon's Attack is raised by 1 stage. |
Embody Aspect (Teal) | Ao dar switch-in, a Speed deste Pokémon aumenta em 1 estágio. |
Embody Aspect (Wellspring) | On switch-in, this Pokémon's Special Defense is raised by 1 stage. |
Emergency Exit | This Pokémon switches out when it reaches 1/2 or less of its maximum HP. |
Fairy Aura | While this Pokémon is active, a Fairy Move used by any Pokémon has 1,33x power. |
Filter | This Pokémon receives 3/4 damage from supereffective attacks. |
Flame Body | 30% chance a Pokémon making contact with this Pokémon will be burned. |
Flare Boost | While this Pokémon is burned, its special attacks have 1,5x power. |
Flash Fire | Os Moves Fire deste Pokémon causam 1,5x dano se ele tiver sido atacado com um move do tipo Fire; tem imunidade a Fire. |
Flower Gift | If user is Cherrim and Sunny Day is active, it and allies' Attack and Sp Def are 1,5x. |
Flower Veil | This side's Grass-types can't have stats lowered or status inflicted by other Pokémon. |
Fluffy | This Pokémon takes 1/2 damage from contact Moves, 2x damage from Fire Moves. |
Forecast | Castform's type changes to the current weather condition's type, except Sandstorm. |
Forewarn | On switch-in, this Pokémon is alerted to the foes' Move with the highest power. |
Friend Guard | Os aliados deste Pokémon receive 3/4 damage from other Pokémon's attacks. |
Frisk | Ao dar switch-in, este Pokémon identifica os itens segurados por todos os Pokémon adversários. |
Full Metal Body | Prevents other Pokémon from lowering this Pokémon's stat stages. |
Fur Coat | This Pokémon's Defense is doubled. |
Gale Wings | If this Pokémon is at full HP, its Moves do tipo Flying have their priority increased by 1. |
Galvanize | Moves do tipo Normal deste Pokémon become Electric-type and have 1,2x power. |
Gluttony | This Pokémon eats Berries at 1/2 HP máximo or less instead of their usual 1/4 HP máximo. |
Good as Gold | This Pokémon is immune to Status Moves. |
Gooey | Pokémon making contact with this Pokémon have their Speed lowered by 1 stage. |
Gorilla Tactics | This Pokémon's Attack is 1,5x, but it can only select the first Move it executes. |
Grass Pelt | If Grassy Terrain is active, this Pokémon's Defense is multiplied by 1,5. |
Grassy Surge | On switch-in, this Pokémon summons Grassy Terrain. |
Grim Neigh | This Pokémon's Sp Atk is raised by 1 stage if it attacks and derrotar another Pokémon. |
Guard Dog | Immune to Intimidate. Intimidated: +1 Attack. Cannot be forced to switch out. |
Gulp Missile | When hit after Surf/Dive, attacker takes 1/4 HP máximo and -1 Defense or paralisar. |
Guts | If this Pokémon is statused, its Attack is 1,5x; ignores burn halving physical damage. |
Hadron Engine | On switch-in, summons Electric Terrain. During Electric Terrain, Sp Atk is 1,3333x. |
Harvest | If last item used is a Berry, 50% chance to restore it each end of turn. 100% in Sun. |
Healer | 30% chance this Pokémon's ally has its status cured at the end of each turn. |
Heatproof | Fire damage against this Pokémon is dealt with 1/2 offensive stat; 1/2 burn damage. |
Heavy Metal | This Pokémon's weight is doubled. |
Honey Gather | No competitive use. |
Hospitality | On switch-in, this Pokémon restores 1/4 of its ally's maximum HP, rounded down. |
Huge Power | This Pokémon's Attack is doubled. |
Hunger Switch | If Morpeko, it changes between Full Belly and Hangry Mode at the end of each turn. |
Hustle | This Pokémon's Attack is 1,5x and accuracy of its physical attacks is 0,8x. |
Hydration | This Pokémon has its status cured at the end of each turn if Rain Dance is active. |
Hyper Cutter | Prevents other Pokémon from lowering this Pokémon's Attack stat stage. |
Ice Body | If Snow is active, this Pokémon heals 1/16 of its HP máximo each turn. |
Ice Face | If Eiscue, the first physical hit it takes deals 0 damage. Effect is restored in Snow. |
Ice Scales | This Pokémon receives 1/2 damage from special attacks. |
Illuminate | This Pokémon's accuracy can't be lowered by others; ignores their evasiveness stat. |
Illusion | This Pokémon appears as the last Pokémon in the time until it takes direct damage. |
Immunity | This Pokémon cannot be poisoned. Gaining this Ability while poisoned cures it. |
Imposter | On switch-in, this Pokémon Transforms into the Pokémon adversário that is facing it. |
Infiltrator | Moves ignore substitutes and foe's Reflect/Light Screen/Safeguard/Mist/Aurora Veil. |
Innards Out | If this Pokémon is derrotado with a Move, that Move's user loses an equal amount of HP. |
Inner Focus | This Pokémon cannot be made to flinch. Immune to Intimidate. |
Insomnia | This Pokémon cannot fall asleep. Gaining this Ability while asleep cures it. |
Intimidate | On switch-in, this Pokémon lowers the Attack of opponents by 1 stage. |
Intrepid Sword | On switch-in, this Pokémon's Attack is raised by 1 stage. Once per battle. |
Iron Barbs | Pokémon making contact with this Pokémon lose 1/8 of their HP máximo. |
Iron Fist | This Pokémon's punch-based attacks have 1,2x power. Sucker Punch is not boosted. |
Justified | This Pokémon's Attack is raised by 1 stage after it is damaged by a Move do tipo Dark. |
Keen Eye | This Pokémon's accuracy can't be lowered by others; ignores their evasiveness stat. |
Klutz | This Pokémon's equipado item has no effect, except Macho Brace. Fling cannot be used. |
Leaf Guard | If Sunny Day is active, this Pokémon cannot be statused and Rest will fail for it. |
Levitate | Este Pokémon é imune a Ground. Gravity/Ingrain/Smack Down/Iron Ball anulam este efeito. |
Libero | This Pokémon's type changes to the type of the Move it is using. Once per switch-in. |
Light Metal | O peso deste Pokémon é reduzido pela metade. |
Lightning Rod | Este Pokémon atrai Electric Moves para si mesmo para aumentar o Sp. Atk em 1 estágio; é imune a Electric. |
Limber | This Pokémon cannot be paralyzed. Gaining this Ability while paralyzed cures it. |
Lingering Aroma | Making contact with this Pokémon has the attacker's Ability become Lingering Aroma. |
Liquid Ooze | This Pokémon damages those draining HP from it for as much as they would heal. |
Liquid Voice | This Pokémon's sound-based Moves become Water-type. |
Long Reach | This Pokémon's attacks do not make contact with the alvo. |
Magic Bounce | This Pokémon blocks certain Status Moves and bounces them back to the user. |
Magic Guard | This Pokémon can only be damaged by direct attacks. |
Magician | If this Pokémon has no item, it steals the item off a Pokémon it hits with an attack. |
Magma Armor | This Pokémon cannot be frozen. Gaining this Ability while frozen cures it. |
Magnet Pull | Impede que os Pokémon adversários do tipo Steel possam dar switch out. |
Marvel Scale | If this Pokémon has a non-volatile status condition, its Defense is multiplied by 1,5. |
Mega Launcher | This Pokémon's pulse Moves have 1,5x power. Heal Pulse heals 3/4 alvo's HP máximo. |
Merciless | This Pokémon's attacks are critical hits if the alvo is poisoned. |
Mimicry | This Pokémon's types change to match the Terrain. Type reverts when Terrain ends. |
Mind's Eye | Moves dos tipos Fighting e Normal atingem Ghost-types. A Accuracy não pode ser diminuída. Ignora evasão. |
Minus | If an active ally has this Ability or the Plus Ability, this Pokémon's Sp Atk is 1,5x. |
Mirror Armor | If this Pokémon's stat stages would be lowered, the attacker's are lowered instead. |
Misty Surge | On switch-in, this Pokémon summons Misty Terrain. |
Mold Breaker | This Pokémon's Moves and their effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokémon. |
Moody | Boosts a random stat (except accuracy/evasion) +2 and another stat -1 every turn. |
Motor Drive | This Pokémon's Speed is raised 1 stage if hit by an Electric Move; Electric immunity. |
Moxie | O Atk deste Pokémon é aumentado em 1 estágio se ele atingir e derrotar outro Pokémon. |
Multiscale | If this Pokémon is at full HP, damage taken from attacks is halved. |
Multitype | If this Pokémon is an Arceus, its type changes to match its equipado Plate. |
Mummy | Pokémon making contact with this Pokémon have their Ability changed to Mummy. |
Mycelium Might | This Pokémon's Status Moves go last in their priority bracket and ignore Abilities. |
Natural Cure | This Pokémon has its non-volatile status condition cured when it switches out. |
Neuroforce | This Pokémon's attacks that are super effective against the alvo do 1,25x damage. |
Neutralizing Gas | While this Pokémon is active, Abilities have no effect. |
No Ability | Does nothing. |
No Guard | Every Move used by or against this Pokémon will always hit. |
Normalize | This Pokémon's Moves are changed to be Normal-type and have 1,2x power. |
Oblivious | This Pokémon cannot be infatuated or taunted. Immune to Intimidate. |
Opportunist | When an Pokémon adversário has a stat stage raised, this Pokémon copies the effect. |
Orichalcum Pulse | On switch-in, summons Sunny Day. During Sunny Day, Attack is 1,3333x. |
Overcoat | This Pokémon is immune to powder Moves, Sandstorm damage, and Effect Spore. |
Overgrow | Quando estiver com 1/3 ou menos do HP máximo, os stats ofensivos aumentam em 1,5x para Moves do tipo Grass. |
Own Tempo | This Pokémon cannot be confused. Immune to Intimidate. |
Parental Bond | This Pokémon's damaging Moves hit twice. The second hit has its damage quartered. |
Pastel Veil | This Pokémon and its allies cannot be poisoned. On switch-in, cures poisoned allies. |
Perish Body | Making contact with this Pokémon starts the Perish Song effect for it and the attacker. |
Pickpocket | If this Pokémon has no item and is hit by a contact Move, it steals the attacker's item. |
Pickup | If this Pokémon has no item, it finds one used by an adjacent Pokémon neste turno. |
Pixilate | Moves do tipo Normal deste Pokémon become Fairy-type and have 1,2x power. |
Plus | If an active ally has this Ability or the Minus Ability, this Pokémon's Sp Atk is 1,5x. |
Poison Heal | This Pokémon is healed by 1/8 of its HP máximo each turn when poisoned; no HP loss. |
Poison Point | 30% chance a Pokémon making contact with this Pokémon will be poisoned. |
Poison Puppeteer | Pecharunt: If this Pokémon poisons a alvo, the alvo also becomes confused. |
Poison Touch | This Pokémon's contact Moves have a 30% chance of poisoning. |
Power Construct | If Zygarde 10%/50%, changes to Complete if at 1/2 HP máximo or less at end of turn. |
Power Spot | Os aliados deste Pokémon have the power of their Moves multiplied by 1,3. |
Power of Alchemy | This Pokémon copies the Ability of an ally that faints. |
Prankster | This Pokémon's Status Moves have priority raised by 1, but Dark-types are immune. |
Pressure | Se o Pokémon for alvo de um Move do adversário, o Move perde um PP adicional. |
Primordial Sea | On switch-in, heavy rain begins until this Ability is not active in battle. |
Prism Armor | This Pokémon receives 3/4 damage from supereffective attacks. |
Propeller Tail | This Pokémon's Moves cannot be redirected to a different alvo by any effect. |
Protean | This Pokémon's type changes to the type of the Move it is using. Once per switch-in. |
Protosynthesis | Se Sunny Day estiver ativo ou o Pokémon usar um Booster Energy, o stat mais alto aumentará em 1,3x, ou em 1,5x se for a Speed. |
Psychic Surge | Ao dar switch-in, este Pokémon invoca Psychic Terrain. |
Punk Rock | Este Pokémon recebe 1/2 de dano de Sound Moves. Os seus próprios têm 1,3x a mais de Power. |
Pure Power | O Attack deste Pokémon é duplicado. |
Purifying Salt | Ghost damage to this Pokémon dealt with a halved offensive stat; can't be statused. |
Quark Drive | Se Electric Terrain estiver ativo ou o Pokémon usar um Booster Energy, o stat mais alto aumentará em 1,3x, ou em 1,5x se for a Speed. |
Queenly Majesty | Este Pokémon e seus aliados ficam protegidos de priority Moves do adversário. |
Quick Draw | This Pokémon has a 30% chance to Move first in its priority bracket with attacking Moves. |
Quick Feet | If this Pokémon is statused, its Speed is 1,5x; ignores Speed drop from paralisar. |
RKS System | If this Pokémon is a Silvally, its type changes to match its equipado Memory. |
Rain Dish | If Rain Dance is active, this Pokémon heals 1/16 of its HP máximo each turn. |
Rattled | Speed is raised 1 stage if hit by a Bug-, Dark-, or Ghost-type attack, or Intimidated. |
Receiver | This Pokémon copies the Ability of an ally that faints. |
Reckless | This Pokémon's attacks with recoil or crash damage have 1,2x power; not Struggle. |
Refrigerate | Moves do tipo Normal deste Pokémon become Ice-type and have 1,2x power. |
Regenerator | This Pokémon restores 1/3 of its maximum HP, rounded down, when it switches out. |
Ripen | When this Pokémon eats certain Berries, the effects are doubled. |
Rivalry | This Pokémon's attacks do 1,25x on same gender targets; 0,75x on opposite gender. |
Rock Head | Este Pokémon não sofre dano de recuo além do dano de Struggle / Life Orb / "crash damage". |
Rocky Payload | This Pokémon's offensive stat is multiplied by 1,5 while using a Rock-type attack. |
Rough Skin | Pokémon making contact with this Pokémon lose 1/8 of their HP máximo. |
Run Away | No competitive use. |
Sand Force | This Pokémon's Ground/Rock/Steel attacks do 1,3x in Sandstorm; immunity to it. |
Sand Rush | If Sandstorm is active, this Pokémon's Speed is doubled; immunity to Sandstorm. |
Sand Spit | When this Pokémon is hit by an attack, the effect of Sandstorm begins. |
Sand Stream | On switch-in, this Pokémon summons Sandstorm. |
Sand Veil | If Sandstorm is active, this Pokémon's evasiveness is 1,25x; immunity to Sandstorm. |
Sap Sipper | This Pokémon's Attack is raised 1 stage if hit by a Grass Move; Grass immunity. |
Schooling | If user is Wishiwashi, changes to School Form if it has > 1/4 HP máximo, else Solo Form. |
Scrappy | Fighting, Normal Moves hit Ghost. Immune to Intimidate. |
Screen Cleaner | On switch-in, the effects of Aurora Veil, Light Screen, and Reflect end for both sides. |
Seed Sower | When this Pokémon is hit by an attack, the effect of Grassy Terrain begins. |
Serene Grace | This Pokémon's Moves have their secondary effect chance doubled. |
Shadow Shield | If this Pokémon is at full HP, damage taken from attacks is halved. |
Shadow Tag | Prevents foes from choosing to switch unless they also have this Ability. |
Sharpness | Os slicing Moves deste Pokémon têm o seu Power aumentado em 1,5x. |
Shed Skin | This Pokémon has a 33% chance to have its status cured at the end of each turn. |
Sheer Force | This Pokémon's attacks with secondary effects have 1,3x power; nullifies the effects. |
Shell Armor | This Pokémon cannot be struck by a critical hit. |
Shield Dust | This Pokémon is not affected by the secondary effect of another Pokémon's attack. |
Shields Down | If Minior, switch-in/end of turn it changes to Core at 1/2 HP máximo or less, else Meteor. |
Simple | When one of this Pokémon's stat stages is raised or lowered, the amount is doubled. |
Skill Link | This Pokémon's multi-hit attacks always hit the maximum number of times. |
Slow Start | On switch-in, this Pokémon's Attack and Speed are halved for 5 turnos. |
Slush Rush | If Snow is active, this Pokémon's Speed is doubled. |
Sniper | If this Pokémon ataca with a critical hit, the damage is multiplied by 1,5. |
Snow Cloak | If Snow is active, this Pokémon's evasiveness is 1,25x. |
Snow Warning | On switch-in, this Pokémon summons Snow. |
Solar Power | If Sunny Day is active, this Pokémon's Sp Atk is 1,5x; loses 1/8 HP máximo per turn. |
Solid Rock | This Pokémon receives 3/4 damage from supereffective attacks. |
Soul-Heart | This Pokémon's Special Attack is raised by 1 stage when another Pokémon faints. |
Soundproof | This Pokémon is immune to sound-based Moves, unless it used the Move. |
Speed Boost | This Pokémon's Speed is raised 1 stage at the end of each full turn on the field. |
Stakeout | This Pokémon's offensive stat is doubled against a alvo that switched in neste turno. |
Stall | This Pokémon Moves last among Pokémon using the same or greater priority Moves. |
Stalwart | This Pokémon's Moves cannot be redirected to a different alvo by any effect. |
Stamina | This Pokémon's Defense is raised by 1 stage after it is damaged by a Move. |
Stance Change | If Aegislash, changes Forme to Blade before attacks and Shield before King's Shield. |
Static | 30% chance a Pokémon making contact with this Pokémon will be paralyzed. |
Steadfast | If this Pokémon flinches, its Speed is raised by 1 stage. |
Steam Engine | This Pokémon's Speed is raised by 6 stages after it is damaged by Fire/Water Moves. |
Steelworker | This Pokémon's offensive stat is multiplied by 1,5 while using a Steel-type attack. |
Steely Spirit | This Pokémon and its allies' Moves do tipo Steel have their power multiplied by 1,5. |
Stench | Os ataques deste Pokémon sem chance de flinch obtêm 10% de chance de causar flinch. |
Sticky Hold | This Pokémon cannot lose its equipado item due to another Pokémon's Ability or attack. |
Storm Drain | Este Pokémon atrai Water Moves para si mesmo para aumentar o Sp. Atk em 1 estágio; tem imunidade a Water. |
Strong Jaw | This Pokémon's bite-based attacks have 1,5x power. Bug Bite is not boosted. |
Sturdy | If this Pokémon is at full HP, it survives one hit with at least 1 HP. Immune to OHKO. |
Suction Cups | This Pokémon cannot be forced to switch out by another Pokémon's attack or item. |
Super Luck | This Pokémon's critical hit ratio is raised by 1 stage. |
Supersweet Syrup | On switch-in, this Pokémon lowers the evasiveness of opponents 1 stage. Once per battle. |
Supreme Overlord | This Pokémon's Moves have 10% more power for each fainted ally, up to 5 allies. |
Surge Surfer | If Electric Terrain is active, this Pokémon's Speed is doubled. |
Swarm | At 1/3 or less of its HP máximo, this Pokémon's offensive stat is 1,5x with Bug attacks. |
Sweet Veil | This Pokémon and its allies cannot fall asleep; those already asleep do not wake up. |
Swift Swim | If Rain Dance is active, this Pokémon's Speed is doubled. |
Sword of Ruin | Active Pokémon without this Ability have their Defense multiplied by 0,75. |
Symbiosis | If an ally uses its item, this Pokémon gives its item to that ally immediately. |
Synchronize | If another Pokémon burns/poisons/paralyzes this Pokémon, it also gets that status. |
Tablets of Ruin | Active Pokémon without this Ability have their Attack multiplied by 0,75. |
Tangled Feet | This Pokémon's evasiveness is doubled as long as it is confused. |
Tangling Hair | Pokémon making contact with this Pokémon have their Speed lowered by 1 stage. |
Technician | This Pokémon's Moves of 60 power or less have 1,5x power, including Struggle. |
Telepathy | This Pokémon does not take damage from attacks made by its allies. |
Tera Shell | Terapagos: If full HP, attacks taken have 0,5x effectiveness unless naturally immune. |
Tera Shift | If this Pokémon is a Terapagos, it transforms into its Terastal Form on entry. |
Teraform Zero | Terapagos: Terastallizing ends the effects of weather and terrain. Once per battle. |
Teravolt | Os Moves deste Pokémon e os seus efeitos ignoram as Abilities de outros Pokémon. |
Thermal Exchange | This Pokémon's Attack is raised by 1 when damaged by Fire Moves; can't be burned. |
Thick Fat | Moves do tipo Fire e Ice causam metade do dano contra este Pokémon. |
Tinted Lens | This Pokémon's attacks that are not very effective on a alvo deal double damage. |
Torrent | At 1/3 or less of its HP máximo, this Pokémon's offensive stat is 1,5x with Water attacks. |
Tough Claws | This Pokémon's contact Moves have their power multiplied by 1,3. |
Toxic Boost | While this Pokémon is poisoned, its physical attacks have 1,5x power. |
Toxic Chain | This Pokémon's Moves have a 30% chance of badly poisoning. |
Toxic Debris | If this Pokémon is hit by a physical attack, Toxic Spikes are set on the opposing side. |
Trace | On switch-in, or when it can, this Pokémon copies a random adjacent foe's Ability. |
Transistor | This Pokémon's offensive stat is multiplied by 1,3 while using an Electric-type attack. |
Triage | This Pokémon's healing Moves have their priority increased by 3. |
Truant | This Pokémon skips every other turn instead of using a Move. |
Turboblaze | Os Moves deste Pokémon e os seus efeitos ignoram as Abilities de outros Pokémon. |
Unaware | This Pokémon ignores other Pokémon's stat stages when taking or doing damage. |
Unburden | Dobra a Speed caso o Pokémon perca o item que segura. O boost é perdido caso o Pokémon seja trocado ou receba outro item/Ability. |
Unnerve | While this Pokémon is active, it prevents Pokémon adversário from using their Berries. |
Unseen Fist | This Pokémon's contact Moves ignore the alvo's protection, except Max Guard. |
Vessel of Ruin | Active Pokémon without this Ability have their Special Attack multiplied by 0,75. |
Victory Star | This Pokémon and its allies' Moves have their accuracy multiplied by 1,1. |
Vital Spirit | This Pokémon cannot fall asleep. Gaining this Ability while asleep cures it. |
Volt Absorb | O Pokémon cura 1/4 de seu HP máximo quando atingido por Moves do tipo Electric; tem imunidade a Electric Moves. |
Wandering Spirit | Pokémon making contact with this Pokémon have their Ability swapped with this one. |
Water Absorb | This Pokémon heals 1/4 of its HP máximo when hit by Water Moves; Water immunity. |
Water Bubble | This Pokémon's Water power is 2x; it can't be burned; Fire power against it is halved. |
Water Compaction | This Pokémon's Defense is raised 2 stages after it is damaged by a Move do tipo Water. |
Water Veil | This Pokémon cannot be burned. Gaining this Ability while burned cures it. |
Weak Armor | If a physical attack hits this Pokémon, Defense is lowered by 1, Speed is raised by 2. |
Well-Baked Body | This Pokémon's Defense is raised 2 stages if hit by a Fire Move; Fire immunity. |
White Smoke | Prevents other Pokémon from lowering this Pokémon's stat stages. |
Wimp Out | This Pokémon switches out when it reaches 1/2 or less of its maximum HP. |
Wind Power | This Pokémon gains the Charge effect when hit by a wind Move or Tailwind begins. |
Wind Rider | Attack raised by 1 if hit by a wind Move or Tailwind begins. Wind Move immunity. |
Wonder Guard | This Pokémon can only be damaged by supereffective Moves and indirect damage. |
Wonder Skin | Status Moves with accuracy checks are 50% accurate when used on this Pokémon. |
Zen Mode | If Darmanitan, at end of turn changes Mode to Standard if > 1/2 HP máximo, else Zen. |
Zero to Hero | If this Pokémon is a Palafin in Zero Form, switching out has it change to Hero Form. |